2014年4月6日 星期日





知的權利(the right to know)與表述的權利(freedom of expression)是資訊自由的一體兩面。資訊自由是圖書資訊學的專業承諾。所以,國際圖書館聯盟認為:

  • 圖書館應該提供資訊、觀念及想像作品的場所,成為知識、思想及文化的通道。
  • 圖書館提供個人及社團在終身學習、獨立判斷、文化發展方面的必要支援。
  • 圖書館致力於發展及維護資訊自由,協助保障基本民主價值與泛用的公民權。
  • 圖書館有責任保證及滋潤各種知識及資訊的活動,藉由採錄、保存各種文獻,反應社會的多元性及複雜化。
  • 圖書館採錄資料及提供服務時,應以專業考量,不必限於政治、道德及宗教的觀點。
  • 圖書館應自由的採錄、組織及傳播資訊,抗拒任何形式的檢查制度。
  • 圖書館的資源及服務應提供給所有的使用者,不受種族、信仰、性別、年齡等因素的影響。
  • 圖書館使用者保有隱私權及匿名權,不能把使用者的身份及使用資料的記錄,洩漏給第三者。
  • 圖書館由公共財建立,必須堅持資訊自由的原則,圖書館工作同仁有義務堅持該等原則。
  • 圖書館應滿足工作同仁及使用者的需求,有衝突時,應以讀者的利益優先。

  • Libraries provide access to information, ideas and works of imagination. They serve as gateways to knowledge, thought and culture.
  • Libraries provide essential support for lifelong learning, independent decision-making and cultural development for both individuals and groups.
  • Libraries contribute to the development and maintenance of intellectual freedom and help to safeguard basic democratic values and universal civil rights.
  • Libraries have a responsibility both to guarantee and to facilitate access to expressions of knowledge and intellectual activity. To this end, libraries shall acquire, preserve and make available the widest variety of materials, reflecting the plurality and diversity of society.
  • Libraries shall ensure that the selection and availability of library materials and services is governed by professional considerations and not by political, moral and religious views.
  • Libraries shall acquire, organize and disseminate freely and oppose any form of censorship.
  • Libraries shall make materials facilities and services equally accessible to all users. There shall be no discrimination due to race, creed, gender, age or for any other reason.
  • Library users shall have the right to personal privacy and anonymity. Librarians and other library staff shall not disclose the identity of users or the materials they use to a third party.
  • Libraries funded from public sources and to which the public have access shall uphold the principles of intellectual freedom.
  • Librarians and other employees in such libraries have a duty to uphold those principles.
  • Librarians and other professional libraries staff shall fulfil their responsibilities both to their employer and to their users. In cases of conflict between those responsibilities, the duty towards the user shall take precedence.

